
We have lived in the same house since Hayden was just under a year old, about 13 years now.     In Brian’s letter he had hoped that financially I would be able to stay in the house.   I have thus far but it’s a catch 22.   The house has seen so much […]

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I joke that this blog should really be called “Fearful Widow” but I couldn’t seriously call it that and instead named it Fearless Widow in hopes that it would be a self fulfilling prophecy.   You know how your thoughts become your reality type thinking.   I’m thankfully not nearly as fearful as I used […]

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     Those first days and weeks were such a blur.   I felt like I was in a fog.   Family and friends swooped in and I went on auto pilot.    Planning his memorial service and dealing with insurance, legal paperwork, social security and all those things that I never thought I would […]

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