
Today is May 8th, 2018.    16 years ago today Brian and I got married in Jamaica.   Boy, I don’t know what I would have thought if you had told me that day that he would be gone just over 10 years later and by how he would go and that my life would take […]

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I’ve always loved spring when the earth comes alive again but it’s all the more glorious now since Brian died.    He died in the bleakness of January.   Matched his frame of mind too I suppose.   Everything so brown and dead and lifeless looking.    I vividly remember mentioning non-chalantantly that “the news […]

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We have lived in the same house since Hayden was just under a year old, about 13 years now.     In Brian’s letter he had hoped that financially I would be able to stay in the house.   I have thus far but it’s a catch 22.   The house has seen so much […]

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I joke that this blog should really be called “Fearful Widow” but I couldn’t seriously call it that and instead named it Fearless Widow in hopes that it would be a self fulfilling prophecy.   You know how your thoughts become your reality type thinking.   I’m thankfully not nearly as fearful as I used […]

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     Those first days and weeks were such a blur.   I felt like I was in a fog.   Family and friends swooped in and I went on auto pilot.    Planning his memorial service and dealing with insurance, legal paperwork, social security and all those things that I never thought I would […]

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